A podcast for geospatial people. Weekly episodes that focus on the tech, trends, tools, and stories from the geospatial world. Interviews with the people that are shaping the future of GIS, geospatial as well as practitioners working in the geo industry. This is a podcast for the GIS and geospatial community subscribe or visit https://mapscaping.com to learn more
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Cloud Optimized Point Clouds
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Cloud Optimized Point Clouds ( COPC) allow you to stream point cloud data!
Cloud Optimized Geotiffs made raster data streamable and now its time for Point Clouds to be just as accessible!
weeklyOSM updates the community, on a weekly basis, about what is going on in the OSM Universe.
Thanks, OpenCage!
Related Podcast Episodes
PDAL - Point Data Abstraction Library
Cloud Native Geospatial
Microsoft's Planetry Computer
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Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Full Stack Cartography
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
We cover a lot of ground in this episode but some of the key takes are:
A key difference between visualizing non-spatial data and spatial data is that non-spatial data gives you the freedom to choose the locations of different objects.
Design is not a process, a way of thinking, and the outcome of not necessarily something visual
We are getting closer to the promise of custom maps for everyone, and we are already seeing personalized maps
Content with Alan Mcconchie here: https://stamen.com/people/alan-mcconchie/
And learn more about Stamen Design here: https://stamen.com/
Recommended Episode about Cartography
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Friday Oct 28, 2022
[From the Archive] An Introduction To Artificial Intelligence
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
For some time, there was hype around AI and data science and that they would solve all of our problems.
If you think AI solves every problem, then you’re overestimating its utility and where we’re at.
However, on the other side, if you’re a business of any size, operating at least some type of technology, and you think AI can solve none of your problems — you’re also mistaken.
We’re somewhere in the middle.
Daniel Whitenack, Data Scientist and host of the Practical AI podcast gives us a really great introduction to Artificial Intelligence and you don't need be a data scientist to understand it!
Connect with Daniel Whitenack here https://datadan.io/ or check out the Practical AI podcast
For more episodes just visit https://mapscaping.com/podcasts/
and sort all the episodes by "geospatial career"
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Or go to MapScaping.com to find out about sponsoring our website
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or LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielodonohue/
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Mid-Career Change
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Grow your career — or reimagine it entirely, what do you do if find yourself wanting to make a change halfway through your career? This episode with Thierry Gregorius from https://truehorizoncoaching.com/ is more of a discussion than an interview and if you are thinking about making a change in your career it might help you answer the question "what do I do next"
Recommended Podcast episodes focusing on careers in Geospatial
Getting Where you want to go in your geospatial career
Geospatial Side Hustles
I quit my job
Mentorship, leadership and career advice
Business ideas for geospatial people
What is your idea
Python Maps
For more episodes just visit https://mapscaping.com/podcasts/
and sort all the episodes by "geospatial career"
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Or go to MapScaping.com to find out about sponsoring our website
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or LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielodonohue/
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Peer To Peer Mapping and Digital Democracy
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
This is a story about a peer-to-peer mapping technology that is enabling people to "fight maps with maps"
You can find Mapeo here
Promoting OSM projects
OpenCage and Mapscaping are working together to help projects based on OpenStreetMap reach a wider audience.
Projects will be selected to be featured on upcoming Mapscaping podcast episodes, with all costs covered by OpenCage!
Recommended Podcast episodes about Off-line mapping
MerginMaps - QGIS offline and in the feild
More podcast episodes on GIS and GIS careers can be found on our website https://mapscaping.com/podcasts/
Consider supporting this podcast on Patreon
Or go to MapScaping.com to find out about sponsoring our website
reach out on Twitter https://twitter.com/MapScaping
or LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielodonohue/
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Thermal Imagery From Space
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Applications of thermal imaging from space include monitoring wildfires, urban heat islands, economic activity, and the built environment.
But it's not easy ;)
Connect with Robin Cole at
Check out the Earth Observation Hub!
More Geospatial Podcasts episodes
Recommended Podcast Earth Observation Podcasts
Fake Satellite Imagery
The LandSat Program
How To Keep Your Satellite Pointing At Earth
More podcast episodes on GIS and GIS careers can be found on our website https://mapscaping.com/podcasts/
Consider supporting this podcast on Patreon
Or go to MapScaping.com to find out about sponsoring our website
reach out on Twitter https://twitter.com/MapScaping
or LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielodonohue/
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
I Quit My Job
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
After 12 years of working as a GIS specialist / Consultant, I quit and I am ready to move on.
Looking back at the last 12 years if I could go back in time and give myself some advice I would tell myself these 8 things.
- Boring Work won’t necessarily lead to interesting work
- Getting good at something typical leads to doing more of that thing
- Have more empathy for the professionals that you work with
- Think more about where you are trying to go
- Network
- Find a mentor
- Sometimes it's just not a good fit
- You don’t get to decide what is broken
Things I need help with
- Share the podcast with a friend, a community anyone that you think might find it interesting or helpful
- I am looking for projects based on or around OpenStreetMap - this is part of a promotional campaign that I am doing together with OpenCage - More information here
More podcast episodes on GIS and Geospatial topics can be found on our website https://mapscaping.com/podcasts/
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Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Monitoring Atmospheric Pollution From Space
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
It turns out that monitoring atmospheric pollution from space is really hard! But if you can do it will help you understand air quality, solar energy, ozone Layer and UV radiation, emissions and surfaces fluxes, and climate forcing
Contact Mark on Twitter
Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service
Check out the Earth Observation Hub!
More Geospatial Podcasts episodes
Recommended Podcast Earth Observation Podcasts
Fake Satellite Imagery
The LandSat Program
How To Keep Your Satellite Pointing At Earth
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Hex Tiles
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
The problem of unification: Spatial data comes in many different sizes, shapes, and formats making it a difficult and time-consuming process to join data for visualization, exploration, and analysis.
Enter the Hex Tile system!
Contact Foursquare: connect.foursquare.com/mapscaping
Check out Unfolded https://foursquare.com/products/unfolded/ https://www.unfolded.ai/
Introducing Hex Tiles: https://foursquare.com/article/introducing-hex-tiles-our-next-gen-tiling-system/
Example Maps
Recommended Podcast Episodes
Dynamic Vector Tiles Straight From The Database
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
The Business of Web Maps
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
This is a story about a hobby project called Scribble Maps that grew into business… but it's also a story about the opportunities and challenges of creating geospatial tools for non-geospatial professionals.
“Its easy to get people to make a map today, but how do you get them to come back and make a map tomorrow?”
Special Offer for Listeners The MapScaping Audience
More podcast episodes on GIS and GIS careers can be found on our website https://mapscaping.com/podcasts/
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